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De intellectuele eigendomsrechten van de op deze website verstrekte informatie, publicaties en gegevens komen toe aan VERHAMME DE VEL ARCHITECTEN en zijn auteursrechtelijk beschermd. Op geen enkele wijze worden de intellectuele eigendomsrechten aan de gebruikers van deze website, op welke manier dan ook, overgedragen.

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  • VERHAMME DE VEL ARCHITECTEN treft de best mogelijke veiligheidsmaatregelen om enig misbruiken te voorkomen.



Ieder geschil met betrekking tot deze website wordt beslecht onder de exclusieve bevoegdheid van de Rechtbanken van Antwerpen, afdeling Antwerpen, met toepassing van het Belgische recht.

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In geval van vragen omtrent huidige disclaimer, kan U ons bereiken op de volgende gegevens:

Sint-Michielskaai 35/1

2000 Antwerpen

+32 3 230 39 88



Patrick De Vel – architect

+32 (0)478 30 21 55

Marc Verhamme – architect

+32 (0)477 41 50 00







Much care is taken in the composition of this website. The website is updated to the best of our ability and at regular period of times. VERHAMME DE VEL ARCHITECTEN does not, however, guarantee the topicality, accuracy, correctness, completeness or suitability for a specific purpose of the information, data or publications. The information on this website is intended to provide general information to interested parties. The information is not intended as advice, nor as a bid or proposal of contract, nor as a component thereof. For advice we advise you to contact us.

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VERHAMME DE VEL ARCHITECTS declares to have taken all possible care to prevent computer viruses and is not liable of any kind whatsoever.



The intellectual property rights of the information, publications and data provided on this website belong to VERHAMME DE VEL ARCHITECTEN and are protected by copyright. In no way are the intellectual property rights transferred to the users of this website in any way whatsoever.

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By using/consulting this website you explicitly agree with the above stated.



In case of any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact us:

Sint-Michielskaai 35/1

2000 Antwerpen

+32 3 230 39 88



Patrick De Vel – architect

+32 (0)478 30 21 55

Marc Verhamme – architect

+32 (0)477 41 50 00


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